So I've been sitting here for the past couple of days getting caught up on all the neglected blog posts, ravelry messages, pictures, project pages, yarn basket organizing, etc...etc...because I've been scrambling to find something to talk about on here. Sure there's always the promise I'm going to come back to my blog...or that I'm going to post my progress on projects and what have you...BUT I'M NOT GONNA...and you can't make me....It's the promise or New Years resolution I have no plan on making and kicking myself for not following through with...
I'm going to act like nothing happened..I didn't go anywhere and continue on like fuzzle is 2 1/2 years old now and the rona shawl is almost done...(7 rips and starts and only 21 rows and a crochet lace bind off....damn how much I've progressed in all this time...) and how this year has been hell...too many ups and downs and how I'm now sitting at home...waiting on surgery for my gallbladder...damn thing causes too many problems! (my gold sewing scissors look quite nice and are sharp enough for surgery! anyone out there want to help?)
I hope 2012 is much better at least in terms of my personal life...and my crafting life. I've been so sick these past weeks that I just don't have the energy to sit and count and craft.When I have had energy I've been knitting and with the help of my mom (and also the fact she entered me in the contest) we entered the Christmas Embellishment Challenge over at Calico Patch Quilt shop in town.
The guild puts on a challenge now and then and since my mom is teaching me how to quilt thought it was a grand idea to put me in. Thanks mom! The idea was to take a whole panel and 5 fat quarters and turn it into whatever you'd like. As long as you used at least some of the given fabrics and part of the panel in what you made. My mom and I decided it would be best if we kept the panel whole and pieced some blocks around the outside to make a wall hanging. The back is patchwork and the front has everything from beads to lights that work to reindeer boots...It was a huge undertaking for I'd say a month and a half. As it draws closer to the judging date I'm everyday hoping that I win! There were only 8 quilters who signed up and I was the second to turn it in. Cross your fingers for me!
Knitting wise there's not alot going on...just a half forgotten Christmas present...I won't talk about that...and the rona shawl you've heard me go on about before... can't wait until that thing is done. the yarn is gorgeous...the pattern is gorgeous...the amount of stitches for one takes me about an hour per row. I believe I'm a relatively fast knitter...but and hour is too damn long and I'm telling you these last 21 rows look so daunting...but eventually I will conquer you shawl...and my long term conquest will be done...
In fuzzle terms....the 2 1/2 yr old is happy, healthy, and potty training... I hope that starts coming together better soon...peeing on my couch is in fact frowned upon and does not result in goldfish cracker rewards! (shakes head) Sometimes I feel I have epically failed that child and she will remain in diapers the rest of her life...but there are shining moments like this morning when she sat right down, did her buisness, got up and asked me to take her nappy now. (that's naptime in our house...just in case) It'll work itself out.
So for now I'm going to go use my energy to get some laundry and shawl done before said fuzzle sounds the tribal drums and my day is filled with potty breaks, juice stains in the carpet and that damn Ms. Spider's sunny patch show which turns my fuzzle into a non compliant cranky dinosaur until it's over....*sighs* I love being a mom!
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